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Create and use account

If you want to know how to open an account for Crazypatterns and how to log in, please keep on reading. It's just a matter of minutes and the membership itself is free of charge. Read more...

Forgotten your password? Here's how to get a new one!

If you can't remember the password for your Crazypatterns account, you can easily create a new one. Here you can find out how it works: Read more...

What payment methods are available?

We have different payment methods. You can either pay via PayPal or instant bank transfer or you can choose a classic bank transfer. You can also pay via credit card or with your credit account.

How do I get the purchased patterns?

If you have purchased a pattern, you can download the patterns immediately after completing the purchase. You can download the pattern as a ZIP file or open and save it online. In most cases you will receive the pattern as a PDF document. You can find out how to buy and download a pattern from our helpdesk at Read more...

Change email address. How does it work?

If you want to change the email address you are registered with at Crazypatterns, e.g. to have the newsletter sent to a different email address or because you have a new email account, you can easily do that yourself. Read more...

Little money + great desire for handicraft. How can I save?

You can buy and rework many pretty patterns with little money. Here are the best tips. Read more...

Can I download purchased patterns more often?

Yes, you can download previously purchased patterns as often as you like. There is no limit and no extra cost.
However, there are important exceptions: If you want to give your pattern to friends or acquaintances, please buy it again. You can find out more about this in the helpdesk under "Download patterns".

How can I sell patterns myself?

To be able to sell patterns with us, you must first register and then log in. Then you change your account type from buyer to seller and edit your business settings. You can find out what you need to do in our helpdesk under "How to become a seller". Now you can upload and sell your patterns. Read more...

How much money can I charge for a pattern?

When uploading your pattern, you indicate your price range. This should be based on the usual market price and should not exceed the price on other platforms. Once you have entered your price, it will be checked by our technical support. Whether or not your suggested price is appropriate is at the sole discretion of the reviewer. Note: On average, our authors sell their patterns for between 50 cents and 5 €.

Why should I offer my pattern for free?

Free patterns are very popular with our users and are downloaded frequently. So if you offer free patterns, you are automatically promoting yourself. You will attract attention and be remembered positively, so your customers will be more likely to buy your patterns.

I would like to sell the products I have created.

Our authors do not always agree that the products created by their patterns should be sold. Please contact the author from whom you bought the pattern. Tip: Sometimes you will find a hint in the description text of your pattern.

I have a question about the content of the pattern I bought.

If you have questions to one or more steps in your new pattern, the authors will be happy to help you. To contact them, simply click on the "Comments" tab on the product page and leave your question as a comment. Alternatively, you can find the option "Send message" under the name in the store and on the profile of the respective author.