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Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 5:07 PM
Dear customers, dear authors,
Thanksgiving day is not only about stuffed + roasted turkeys, with cranberry-sauce, sweet potatoes and pie. It's also about enjoying quality time with friends, loved ones and relatives + about being grateful for all the good things in your life.
However, if you need a break during Thanksgiving madness, just come online, find a great pattern and spend some quality time alone. Knitting, crocheting, sewing and other DIY techniques make happy, calm your mood and help you find inner peace.
-->Sounds like the perfect solution for everyone who wants to avoid pointless arguments. ;- )

Here in this thread is enough free space for the best patterns to get a break on Thanksgiving and of course during shopping on Black Friday und Cyber Monday. But we also offer lots of patterns on SALE, if you want to do some online bargain hunting.

@dear authors
Present your best patterns for relaxation and of course patterns with discount for the bargain hunting. Don't forget the pic, the link and at least 4 text lines. Don't forget: Just 2 patterns per author.

Happy Thanksgiving :- )
Josefa | Mod bei crazypatterns.net
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 8:34 PM
This is a perfect project during thanksgiving. Every day one little break and on the end you have this sweet Dwarf.
Have a lot of fun.

Happy wintertime.

And here is the crochet patterns
Crochet Patterns Dwarf Klausi XL

Häkeln aus Begeisterung?
Na dann schaut mal hier rein - es lohnt sich...

Vielleicht sucht ihr ja noch etwas schönes zu Weihnachtszeit, als Dekoration oder
zum verschenken, dann könnten Euch diese Anleitungen gefallen
Häkelanleitung Engelchen "klein" und "groß"

Wollness Designs
Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 8:40 AM
This is "Sam", named after Samweis Gamgee, the true friend of Frodo Beutlin in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord Of The Rings".
"Sam" can be also such a true friend, a companion in cold winter  but in mild spring or autumn days.

"Sam" is knitted in the round, there are almost garter stitches needed - only a few purl stitches! All you need is lace to DK-yarn a measure tape and a digital citchen scale. 

The pattern includes many ways to knit "Sam" in different yarn types and weights. Even for leftovers "Sam" is a very good pattern.

The pattern runs 5 pages, it is available in english and german.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.

"Sam" is currently on sale, you earn a discount of 20% and even of 5% more if you have a credit account on CrazyPatterns!

Stricken mit Lust und Laune, Designs mit dem gewissen Etwas - entdecke traumhafte Tücher und Schals.

Hier gehts zur Wollness-Oase 

Besuche mich auf Facebook

patterns by steph
Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 2:42 PM
You can't go wrong with a scarf. :)

It's got to be long by nature, so you can work on it for a while.

The weave-style used here isn't overly complicated. Once you got the hang of it you can breeze right through it. So no need to check the pattern instructions every few seconds.

You can use any type of yarn/wool. Whatever you'd love to work into a scarf, whatever is lying around wherever you are. :)

Until Dec 6th it even comes with a 20% discount!

So get started and make yourself this awesome looking weave-style scarf!

You can find the pattern here: https://www.crazypatterns.net/en/items/8933/weave-style-scarf-for-young-and-old-crochet-pattern

Mein Shop auf CrazyPatterns --> patterns by steph
Ich freue mich auf deinen Besuch! :)

Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 11:41 PM
happy thanksgiving day Euch allen hier
ツツ Du hast grad mit dem Häkeln angefangen und brauchst Tipps und Unterstützung? ツツ Dann klick mal hier in den Thread rein: Häkel-Anfänger Thread für alle Anfänger-Fragen

Friday, November 27, 2015 at 1:47 PM
danke, Dir auch. Gegen eine großzügige Portion saftigen Truthahn hätte ich nichts einzuwenden gehabt.
Die Anleitungen hier im Thread sind natürlich hübsch, wenn auch leider nicht essbar.

Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 12:01 AM
Ein großes Truthahn-Sandwich mit diesem Truthahn-Stuffing soll echt lecker sein, aber es geht ja eigentlich um die Rabatte zu Thanksgiving Day und so, daher wäre es gut, wenn wir mit dem offtopic fertig werden, auch wenns Spaß macht und hungrig auch. :)
ツツ Du hast grad mit dem Häkeln angefangen und brauchst Tipps und Unterstützung? ツツ Dann klick mal hier in den Thread rein: Häkel-Anfänger Thread für alle Anfänger-Fragen


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