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  • irene-peura 1 years ago
    Hieno shaali ja ohje mutta kyseistä lankaa ei löydy mistään. Olen googlettanut ym... Olisi kiva tietää langan tiedot niin voisi etsiä vaihtoehtoista lankaa tarkoitan siis tietoja mistä selviää langan paksuus ym että pystyy vertailemaan muihin. Hienoa olisi jos suoraan pystyt ehdottaa jotain sellaista lankaa mitä saa Suomestakin. Kiitos vastauksestasi jo etukäteen. Terv. Irene
  • angela-eurton Purchased 3 years ago
    Hello again,
    I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE this
    Pattern! It is working out just beautifully!
    I'm using: Icelandia Pure Wool in Dark
    Wood. I had this yarn, which is very old, I bought it from a store that sells "old newstock" and They said that is was from the 1970's. I wasn't sure what to do with it until I bought your pattern. The stitch
    pattern is just lovely and this yarn shows your design beautifully! This is the first
    pattern of yours that I have tried and I
    wanted to let people know how easy it is to follow both in your written pattern and in the printed chart. For such a detailed
    Pattern it is Very Easy! I haven't wouldn't say I am an expert and it has been
    several years since I have done much
    and this has been a dream to make!
    In fact, I just started about 5 days ago
    And I have only about 10 rows to go!
    Thank you very much!
    I'll add photos as soon as I am finished.
  • chantal-bilbault 4 years ago
    Bonjour, je suis de France et je ne comprends ni les termes de crochet en anglais, ni en allemand. Je voudrais acheter ce motif de châle en téléchargement si les explications comprennent des diagrammes.
    Je vous remercie pour votre réponse.
  • lachmoeve Purchased 4 years ago
    so schön
  • lise-lotte-gerding Purchased 4 years ago
    Where can I buy the yarn. I'm having trouble finding it.
    It's such a beautiful shawl.
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