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ITH Moodmonster package
ITH Moodmonster package
ITH Moodmonster package
ITH Moodmonster package
ITH Moodmonster package

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Author: feendrache
Price: US $15.57*
With Prepaid-account: US $14.79*
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Moodmonsters are available in two sizes: for a 20x20 hoop and a 10x10 hoop. Each Monster has two moods, a good and a bad one... depending on your mood you can turn the monster inside out and show it to the world.

You can stitch the monsters without the jersey in the back, so you can just turn them around and don't need to turn it inside out.. but the base idea was to fun of being able to turn it into somehting different than before.
You will need two hoopings for each monster, leaving only the turning, filling and sewing shut afterwards.

File formats:
col, dst, edr, emd, hus, jef, pes, pec, vip
if you need another file format, please ask previous to buying if i can provide it.

10x10, 20x20

About this product
You will be puchasing the embroidery files to create the trees, not a physical ariticle. You will need an embroidery machine able to read one of the file formats and use one of the given hoop sizes.
Each monster is made out of two files. The front (vorne) and the back (hinten). After finishing the second file you only need to turn the monster, fill it and sew the opening closed with a few handstitches.

Additional to the embroidery files there are instructions in englisch and germand.

Legal notes
The usage of the files in the private environment is not limited. When you publish pictures it would be great, when you would reference Naddys kleine Welt as Creator of the embroidery files.
Commercial use for small businesses is allowed in small series up to 50 pieces. Please contact me if you want to create more. Mass production is not allowed.
It is not allowed to sell or give away the digital files.


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